Accidents in which the driver drank alcohol or used drugs spike during the holiday season, especially on New Year's Eve. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, about 300 people die in a DUI accident every year between Christmas and New Year's Day. Before...
Your wills are only valid if your children find the original draft that you signed off. You may find numerous attorneys in Georgia that offer to keep the original will for free so that they may probate your estate. When you die, your children will call the name of the...
A catastrophic injury after a car accident comes with a lasting impact. After a Georgia car accident, spinal injuries can be a common serious injury. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no way to reverse spinal cord damage once it occurs. While there are always new...
Because alcohol and automobiles can be a deadly combination, Georgia's laws on open alcoholic beverage containers in a motor vehicle are very strict. The vehicle does not need to be in motion for the law to apply. Even if the vehicle is not on the road but pulled off...
While Georgia winters are generally mild compared to other parts of the country, the colder, wetter climate of the northern mountains can bring unpredictable road conditions that may put drivers at risk—particularly those with less experience traveling in inclement...
McClure, Ramsay, Dickerson & Escoe, LLP is proud to announce that John A. Dickerson, has been rated again as one of the top attorneys by Super Lawyers. Dickerson has served the people of Northeastern Georgia for nearly five decades. He has taken on a variety of...
Bicyclists face risks throughout the year, but some seasons bring special concerns. For example, in many colder parts of the country, bicyclists stop riding during the winter months. However, they may try to get a few more rides in during the fall, before it snows....
A severe burn injury in Georgia can have long-lasting repercussions for both you and your family. You may experience emotional and psychological issues in addition to physical problems that can include scarring, disfigurement, loss of limbs or recurrent infections....
The City of Atlanta concluded that a $500K settlement offer would cost the city less than it would to mount a defense to a crash victim’s lawsuit in court. As reported by 11Alive, the severely injured 52-year-old woman filed a civil case against the city after an...
Bicycle accident victims may have many tough decisions to make in the wake of a crash, such as whether they should partake in a particular activity or event in light of an injury. Some may struggle with the decision to file a lawsuit, whether they are hesitant to deal...