Georgia’s drug court program is an option for some individuals convicted of felony substance-related offenses. Participants must attend court-supervised drug and alcohol rehabilitation and meet other program requirements designed to facilitate a sober future free of criminal activity.
If you face a court date for a drug or alcohol charge in Georgia, learn more about the state drug court program. In Stephens County, the official program name is accountability court.
Who is eligible for accountability court?
You may be able to enroll in drug court if you are:
- Age 17 or older
- Facing felony substance abuse charges
- Facing a probation sentence of 18 to 24 months
- Struggling with substance abuse
- Living legally in the United States
The court will disqualify individuals who:
- Live with another person who uses substances
- Are in a medical pain management program
- Cannot complete the program because of physical or mental health issues
- Received a charge of selling or manufacturing narcotics
- Have a violent crime history and/or previous sexual offenses
What are the program requirements?
Individuals who enroll in accountability court must:
- Complete community service requirements
- Complete a GED program in the absence of a GED or high school diploma
- Attend Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings
- Pay fees as required ($175 per month in Stephens County)
- Get or maintain an approved job
- Undergo random drug screenings
- Meet with the judge once a week
The accountability court program has four phases. The first, which lasts at least two months, also includes a curfew. The person must remain sober for 30 days and meet other requirements to advance to phase 2. This intensive treatment phase lasts at least three months and requires 60 days of sobriety to advance. Phase 3 lasts five months and focuses on life skills and transitioning to sober. Phase 4, aftercare, lasts at least eight months. The person may graduate from phase 4 when he or she has 180 days sober and meets other program requirements.